Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day 8, 92 to go Pajamas, pajamas, pajamas

Big fan of pajamas.
Despite Fergus’ claiming this fabric as his own nap spot, I was able to cut out 3 pair of pajamas today. 

I also learned an important lesson.  Just because you still have clean underwear, that does not mean you don’t need to do laundry.  So I did laundry.

Pajamas. No Gnome.

Then I put these two pajama bottoms together. 

More robots.

I still have another robot pajama bottom to do for my other nephew. 

I have tried to generate some projects that will be portable since I will be spending a lot of time on buses in the next few days.   

Tomorrow I visit Gary, Tony and Nicholas in the Big Apple! We are going to occupy the baby disco.  Sunday I will finally get to see Leelah’s new place.   
And then, all of a sudden it’s Thanksgiving! How did that come so quickly?  So there will be crocheting and embroidery coming up. Although I may not have a chance to blog on the actual day I make it, I am sticking with my plan to make something every day. So the blog may be slightly sporadic, but there will be new stuff to see.

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