Saturday, December 10, 2011

Day 27, 73 to go: Buttonholes and the other red nightgown

They're cuter in pairs.
I am such a big baby.  I had such a mental block about the buttonhole technique on this sewing machine.  I finished the second red nightgown.  There was nothing left to do but finally bite the bullet and figure out buttonholes.  There has always been some sort of attachment with every other machine I have made buttonholes on, so I was feeling like I was driving with no hands to do these. 

I sat down with the directions, practiced a few, made a good collection of mistakes (which is what practice is for) and eventually started to feel like I got the hang of it.  So here are the two nearly finished gowns (I just have to hand-sew the buttons on.)

And then back to the gnomes. 

Supervising avec middle name.
Today’s supervision (such as it was) was provided by Fergus Cassidy.  My friend Karen taught me long ago that all pets need middle names.  At the time, hers all shared the middle name “Marie,” regardless of gender or species.  (“Roger Marie, sit!”)  Felicity’s middle name is Jane.  If you haven’t already done so, I highly recommend giving your pets middle names too.  You’ll see.  They come in handy.


  1. Those nightgowns are soooo cute! (Cat's ok, too).

  2. Yay!!! on achieving the buttonholes! :-)

  3. Thanks, Shawna! Hopefully I will get a pic of the cute girls in them. :) Yay is right, Leelah! :)
